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       本次講座特別邀請英國 London Business School 的 Derek Bunn 教授來台,以其與各國合作研究電力市場之經驗向與會者分享,並進一步探究如何利用 Agent-based 模擬模型協助電力市場之設計。

Lecture 1:

Understanding the Drivers of Change in Electricity Markets
Brief review of the fundamentals of power system economics, the introduction of competition and how the market mechanisms work. The strategic responses and the exercise of market power. Value migration in the supply chain and the pro-cyclical forces in the industry.


Lecture 2:

Modelling Prices in Electricity Markets
Modelling electricity markets and especially strategic agent behaviour. The use of system dynamics and intelligent agent based simulation. Time and technology permitting, participants will interact with a microworld simulation.

Lecture 3:

Modelling Strategic Behaviour in Electricity Markets
Econometric Specification of High Frequency Prices. Regime switching and time-varying parameter models. Volatility and Forward Risk Premia. Arbitrage with Capacity Auctions.